South Sudan ECTN

Mandatory document for all ports in South Sudan.

Are you looking to ship goods to South Sudan? Then you need to know about the ECTN – Electronic Cargo Tracking Note, a mandatory document for all shipments to the country.

Failing to present the ECTN document can lead to severe consequences and a hefty fine. Don’t risk facing charges or fines. Ensure that you have the necessary ECTN certificate before shipping your goods to South Sudan.

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    What is South Sudan ECTN Certificate?

    To prevent delays and fines at the destination if the products are transported by sea, it is also important to check the ECTN document regulations for the ports in the host country.

    Goods arriving in Mombasa, Massawa, Port Sudan, Dar es Salaam, or Djibouti only require an ECTN certificate for South Sudan as these ports do not require transit freights to have a BESC certificate.

    Certificate Requirements

    Which documents are required for South Sudan ECTN?

    South Sudan ECTN Certificate
    The following documents are mandatory for the South Sudan ECTN certificate.

    • Bill of lading
    • Commercial Invoice
    • Customs Declaration
    • Freight Invoice (it is not necessary if the commercial invoice includes the freight value)

    To start the certification process, send PDF versions of the required documents to For the issuance of ECTN certifications, hard copies are not required.

    Please make sure you send the final documents that don’t require revisions. After the certificates have been validated, a penalty cost will be applied for revisions.

    General FAQs

    What is a South Sudan ECTN?

    A South Sudan ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note) is a mandatory electronic document required for all shipments entering South Sudan. This document ensures that detailed information about the cargo is provided to the customs authorities before the shipment arrives, facilitating efficient and smooth customs clearance.

    Can I Use the Same ECTN Certificate for More Than One Shipment?

    Each ECTN number is unique and limited to one shipment. Every cargo needs to get its own validated ECTN certificate.

    Are There Any Exceptions for the ECTN Certificate Requirement for Shipments Going to South Sudan?

    No, all shipments to South Sudan are required to have an ECTN certificate regardless of the value of the cargo or the type of goods being transported.

    How Do I Obtain a South Sudan ECTN?

    You can obtain a South Sudan ECTN through authorized service providers like GlobalCTN. The process involves submitting necessary shipment details and documentation, which will be verified and processed to issue the ECTN.

    What Information is Required to Apply for a South Sudan ECTN?

    To apply for a South Sudan ECTN, you need to provide detailed information, including the shipper and consignee details, cargo description, bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list, and transport details. Accurate and complete information is critical to avoid delays in processing.

    How Long Does It Take to Approve the ECTN Certificate?

    If all required papers are submitted and coherent, the draft copy of the certificate will be issued within a day. Once we get your approval for the draft and the payment, the certificate will be sent in for validation. Usually, the verification clearance comes in a day. However, the procedure might take up to a week depending on the specific circumstances.

    Can I Make Changes to a Validated South Sudan ECTN Document?

    Unfortunately, the ECTN certificate for South Sudan cannot be altered in any way once it has been verified. At the destination customs, you will need to explain the reason for the change.

    Is the South Sudan ECTN Required for All Types of Cargo?

    Yes, the South Sudan ECTN is mandatory for all types of cargo entering South Sudan, regardless of the mode of transport or the nature of the goods. This requirement ensures uniformity and efficiency in monitoring all cargo movements into the country.